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11:00 BST
Expanding the Contributor Pipeline Through Inclusion - Khallai Taylor, E.ON Digital Technology; Sandeep Kanabar, Gen; Stéphane Este-Gracias, ITQ; Nancy Chauhan, Independent Level 3 | ICC Capital Suite 7-9
From the Observability TAG: Designing a Common Query Language for Observability Data - Alolita Sharma, Apple & Pereira Braga, Google Level 3 | ICC Capital Suite 10-12
Kubeflow Ecosystem: What’s Next for Cloud Native AI/ML and LLMOps - Johnu George, Nutanix; Andrey Velichkevich, Apple; Amber Graner, Kubeflow Project; Yuki Iwai, CyberAgent; Yuan Tang, Red Hat Level 3 | ICC Capital Suite 14-16
SIG API Machinery Maintainer's Track: The Kubernetes Building Blocks - Federico Bongiovanni, Google Platinum Suite | Level 3 | Room 1-2
The Immediate and Lasting Benefits of TAG Security Assessments - Eddie Knight, Sonatype & Ben Hirschberg, ARMO Platinum Suite | Level 3 | Room 3-4
11:45 BST
14:15 BST
Linkerd Update: Gateway API, Client-Specific Policy, Federated Services, Multicluster, Rust, & More! - Oliver Gould, Buoyant Platinum Suite | Level 3 | Room 3-4
Multi-cluster Orchestration System: Karmada Updates and Use Cases - Hongcai Ren, Huawei & Joe Nathan Abellard, Bloomberg Platinum Suite | Level 3 | Room 1-2
Redesigning Ingress: Docker’s Transition To the Next-Gen Gateway API - Kateryna Nezdolii & Ryan Hristovski, Docker Level 3 | ICC Capital Suite 14-16
Securing the Gateway: A Deep Dive Into Envoy Gateway's Advanced Security Policy - Huabing (Robin) Zhao, Tetrate Level 3 | ICC Capital Suite 10-12
SIG Network Intro and Updates - Dan Winship & Nadia Pinaeva, Red Hat; Bowei Du, Google; Daman Arora, Broadcom Level 3 | ICC Capital Suite 7-9
15:00 BST
Emissary-ingress: Version 4 and the Road Ahead - Flynn, Buoyant Platinum Suite | Level 3 | Room 3-4
In the Eye of Falco: Transforming Your View of Linux Kernel Security - Luca Guerra, Jason Dellaluce, Aldo Lacuku & Leonardo Grasso, Sysdig; Aurélie Vache, OVHcloud Platinum Suite | Level 3 | Room 1-2
Istio: The Past, Present and Future of the Project and Community - Lin Sun, solo.io Level 3 | ICC Capital Suite 14-16
Kubernetes WG Device Management - GPUs, TPUs, NICs and More With DRA - Kevin Klues, NVIDIA & Patrick Ohly, Intel Level 3 | ICC Capital Suite 10-12
Longhorn: Intro, Deep Dive and Q&A - David Ko, SUSE Level 3 | ICC Capital Suite 7-9
16:00 BST
Driving Chaos Engineering Forward: What’s New and Next With LitmusChaos - Sarthak Jain & Saranya Jena, Harness Level 3 | ICC Capital Suite 7-9
etcd V3.6.0 and etcd-operator V0.1.0 - Benjamin Wang, VMware by Broadcom; Ivan Valdes Castillo, Independent; Siyuan Zhang, Google; Arka Saha, VMware By Broadcom; Ciprian Hacman, Microsoft Level 3 | ICC Capital Suite 10-12
Guiding Kubernetes: The Steering Committee's Role in Project Evolution - Maciej Szulik, Defense Unicorns & Paco Xu, DaoCloud Level 3 | ICC Capital Suite 14-16
Kubespray: Driving Cost-Efficiency for AI on Kubernetes - Antoine Legrand, Conny GmbH & Mohamed Zaian, New Work SE Platinum Suite | Level 3 | Room 1-2
Unlocking the Future of Kubernetes Policy as Code With Kyverno - Vishal Choudhary & Frank Jogeleit, Nirmata Platinum Suite | Level 3 | Room 3-4
16:45 BST
17:30 BST
Containerd: Project Update and Deep Dive - Maksym Pavlenko, NVIDIA; Akihiro Suda, NTT; Laura Brehm, Docker; Samuel Karp, Google; Jiaxiao Zhou, Microsoft Platinum Suite | Level 3 | Room 3-4
Harbor Project - The Maintainers Session - Orlin Vasilev, SUSE & Vadim Bauer, 8gears Container Registry Level 3 | ICC Capital Suite 7-9
Helm 4 You - Matt Farina, SUSE & Andrew Block, Red Hat Level 3 | ICC Capital Suite 10-12
How We Solved TLS at Scale: Self-Service, Multi-Tenant Cert-manager - Erik Godding Boye, Zenior & Tim Ramlot, Venafi, a CyberArk Company Level 3 | ICC Capital Suite 14-16
Open Policy Agent (OPA) Intro & Deep Dive - Charlie Egan, Styra Platinum Suite | Level 3 | Room 1-2